Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Playing the right notes

Harmony happens musically when different instruments are played together using tones that complement each other. It also happens when people of different vocal ranges sing together, avoiding tones which create dissonance and unpleasantness to the ears.  Particular tones when added to others make chords.  Chords are sharp or flat depending on the notes they include.  Some add a little piquancy producing a bright sound, whilst others are flat resulting in a dull noise.  A composer puts tones together that create the mood desired, influencing the emotions of the listener.  What relevance does this have to work and life?

Individuals’ input into relationships, influence what they sound and look like.   Negativity causes the atmosphere around them to be flat, whilst positivity adds brightness.  Harmony empowers people and leads to them giving their best resulting in peace and joy.  Harmony is people working together to make the journey of life/work easier to navigate.  Harmony is the opposite of discord.  The desire for harmony is not a weakness.  It is a strength that causes one to look at matters creatively and develop solutions that will increase effectiveness.   Harmony’s purpose is construction not destruction.  The manager, as composer, has to be aware of what might affect the team’s harmony, producing discord and anxiety, resulting in poor performance. 
The impact of disharmony in our workplaces, communities, towns and cities is evident today. 

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