Monday, 18 April 2011

Happy Event vs Contented Living

Happiness relies on you being present at or aware of a happening and being emotionally pleased by it, eg receiving a gift.  Being happy to an extent is reliant on other people bringing pleasure to your situation.  Contentment happens when you become alert to and thankful for the goodness in your life.   When you are content you are mentally or emotionally satisfied with things as they are, and have peace of mind.  You can be content yet see and take advantage of opportunities for improvement.  You may not necessarily have everything you desire, but this does not get in the way of you living your life.  Contentment shouldn’t be confused with complacency which causes us to live in a false sense of security.  Many of us are running as fast as we can to grab happiness which is fleeting, rather than pacing ourselves with contentment.  Which would you rather be, happy or content? 

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