Thursday 22 December 2011

Rising from the pit

The pit is the hollow where you’re hidden from sight, in discomfort; its walls seeming higher than you can reach.  Though seeing light above you wonder if you’ll ever escape its dark confine.  Tired, helpless, voice gone through continued calls for help, faith sinks, no sound rising to fall on deaf ears.  You try to climb out, using bare hands to create - with what little potency you still have - finger and toe holds.  But strength sapped, you slip, drop.  Sitting on the hard dirt, you decide to make the best of it, and wait to be swallowed by hunger and thirst, imagining you’ll be dried husk before you’re found. 
The pit can be experienced mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically, be inside – clinging like a chest infection, or external – seated in your circumstances.  Still hold on to your hope.  The right people will pass by, who possess the correct knowledge.  Their desire, seen by action will drop a rope down to you.   To help you up, out towards luscious places you’ve not been to before, where you’ll expand and excel.    Eventually you’ll rise, stand free in the gold of the sun and enjoy its shine.

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