Wednesday, 14 September 2011

Silencing the Noise

Noise makes itself known in various ways. It presents as loud, soft, incoherent or disturbing sounds.  Noise is experienced internally as our senses, and externally as input from people and situations. The external noise you can get away from.  It’s the internal noises eg fear, disillusionment, depression, feelings of rejection, lack of self-confidence, doubt, and our reactions to circumstances, that are harder to manage.
Their impact however can be reduced. Remember that someone can help – it’s a matter of recognizing them amongst our contacts.  Plan your future: write it down, share, and work towards achieving it.  Talk with people who have been on the journey you’re taking, and come out the other side having gained wisdom.   We all have particular ways we receive information, and this can sometimes stop us from developing clarity of thought.  Be open to accepting insight, inspiration and confirmation from a variety of sources.  Once we tune in to these opportunities we are able to hear more clearly, thus silencing the noise.

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