Monday, 9 May 2011

Who starts again?

Anyone who:

1.       Has ever thought they had finished but found circumstances had changed.
2.       Wants to reinvent their self.
3.       Is not satisfied with the status quo.
4.       Has been hurt but refuses to hibernate.
5.       Wants a better family life.
6.       Wants to be a role model in their sphere of influence. 
7.       Realises that they have to do, or die and still be walking.
8.       Has loved, lost and found again.
9.       Has made a mistake and learnt from it.
10.   Is willing to walk away for peace sake.
11.   Has turned over a new leaf.
12.   Has said "Never again!", but rises to the challenge.
13.   Thinks they’re not too old to try once more.
14.   Decides not to let their circumstances get them down.
15.   Sitting in darkness, has a light bulb moment and sees a different way.
16.   Feels alone but decides to reach out.
17.   Listens and realises they have something to learn.
18.   Has faith in something bigger than themselves.
19.   Has reached the bottom and realises the only way is up.
20.   Has failed but refuses to be labelled ‘failure’.
21.   Has read ‘No go!’ but sees ‘Go on!’.
22.   Bears bruises but refuses to be walking wounded.
23.   Has fallen, but is determined to get up.
24.   Was counted out, but stands up to be counted.
25.   Loses a race, but trains for another believing they will win.
26.   Has been betrayed, but not lost faith.
27.   Has been deceived, but is willing to trust another.
28.   Has been rejected, but recognises their own worth.
29.   Believes the  support around them will help them to succeed.
30.   Refuses to let anyone despise their youth.
31.   Has absorbed life’s punches, but still comes out fighting.

Are you ready to start again?

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