Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Walking to an unknown destination

One Saturday a few weeks ago, I had nothing planned to do.  I told my son about my free day which he described as a ‘lazy day’.  In discussing this I defined  ‘lazy day’ as  being a day where you choose to do nothing, even though you know you have activities which must be completed, and will cause delay of some sort if not done.  A 'free-day' is a day where you have nothing planned, and choose to allow it to remain uncluttered, so you can explore, be surprised, make discoveries, be rested or just still.   

I decided to allow whatever to develop.  However, I still found myself thinking about making some of the time be productive for me in some way, and decided to go for a walk as it was a nice weather.  I like walking because it allows me to be get exercise whilst thinking about issues, releasing what I don’t need, reviving what has lain dormant and redirecting what needs to have outcome – I call it ‘Me Time’.  Should I walk in my local area? No, that was  was too familiar; I needed to go to walk in a not too familiar place.  I called my sister who also likes walking, and we decided to meet up; once I arrived I discovered a couple of relatives wanted to accompany us.  
We set off to a local wood and as we walked, we talked, we listened, we laughed, we teased, we supported in creative ways, we did what we had never done before.  It was one of the most enjoyable walks I have had.  I got to catch up with, and know more about my family, their vision, and what is important to them.  It was invigorating and energising.
And those things I thought I might want to think about?  Their importance dissipated and I felt refreshed.  I had not filled my day with things to do, but was able in the day to be, to connect, which was exactly what I needed, and where I didn't know I would arrive when I started out. 

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