Thursday, 28 April 2011

Comfort zones....

... Are situations, thoughts and behaviours which though familiar, restrict us from discovering the more of us that there is to find; they exist in all aspects of our lives.  A zone can be described as an area in which certain activities are contained and their repeated outcome becomes familiar, comforting, and generally a reassurance that our world has remained the same.   Staying in a particular comfort zone may mean acceptance by others who are in the same place, giving a sense of community, and we all like the sense of belonging.  Venturing out demands we change our thinking, influencing our action, possibly impacting those in our range of influence.   Stepping out of a comfort zone may mean that our companions are challenged to see and accept a new aspect of us that has up to now been hidden.  They may be challenged to discover more of their selves.  Many times we remain in our comfort zones until encouraged or even forced to move out. When the unfamiliar presents itself, so will the temptation to return to what is familiar, but by resisting you could be altered for the better.
Thinking and doing things differently is always a challenge because we don’t know what will happen following our change of approach.  However, taking the step causes us to discover something we never realised we had, recognition of what needs to be strengthened, or understanding of what we need to acquire and develop, leading to personal growth.  Staying in the comfort zone handicaps, whilst stepping out equips for greater things.

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