Friday, 8 April 2011

What is there to do?

‘ Do whatever your hand finds to do.’  To be able to carry this out one has to actively look for and consider the opportunities available.  Finding is not a passive activity.  The act brings awareness of a possibility, perception and recognition of the chance to do something about it, identification of our own skills and abilities, the capacity to measure these against what is needed, and realisation of what and how we can contribute.  Doing is the act of performing what is required.  It involves understanding the outcome that will make the doing successful, planning how to approach the opportunity,  making a start, checking that you are on the right track, remaining committed to the task, completing it and checking that you have achieved what was required.
How often have you and I sat feeling bored, unfulfilled, and low?  In those times we could have actively searched for things to do - helping ourselves and/or others.   The trouble is when one is in that state it's difficult to get out of it.  Why?  Because the feeling creeps up on you and hours later when we become aware of what’s happening it’s too late – time and our energy levels are lost.  To counter this we need to become aware of what is happening internally and externally, take control over ourselves in terms of our thinking, the power inside of us, and our desire to do, and seize the day empowering ourselves to become fulfilled.

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