Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Mind the gap and have a prosperous New Year

“Mind the gap” is a recorded phrase intonated on the Central Line at Bank Station.  Its platforms are curved, whilst the train carriages have straight sides.  Standing at points where the gaps are widest, you have to stretch across to board.  You are reminded to take care not to fall into the space between the platform and door openings.  This scenario brings the word ‘opportunity’ to my mind; the greater its potential the more effort it can take reach it.  Sometimes it seems hidden from us or even when recognised appear inaccessible.    

‘Gap’ is the expanse between where you are now, and where you want to be.   Sometimes its span seems too wide to traverse.  However, the determination, insight, support and quality of resource you have will aid its crossing.  ‘Mind the gap’ doesn’t necessarily warn of danger; it can indicate the need for awareness of what you already possess, and consideration of how best to utilise it, so you reap success.   Closing the gap may require a change in mindset, more education, good support, relevant contacts, training, even a physical move to where the opportunities exist.  Whatever it takes, you can bridge the gap, being mindful of the threats, but not allowing them to deter you. 

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Rising from the pit

The pit is the hollow where you’re hidden from sight, in discomfort; its walls seeming higher than you can reach.  Though seeing light above you wonder if you’ll ever escape its dark confine.  Tired, helpless, voice gone through continued calls for help, faith sinks, no sound rising to fall on deaf ears.  You try to climb out, using bare hands to create - with what little potency you still have - finger and toe holds.  But strength sapped, you slip, drop.  Sitting on the hard dirt, you decide to make the best of it, and wait to be swallowed by hunger and thirst, imagining you’ll be dried husk before you’re found. 
The pit can be experienced mentally, emotionally, spiritually or physically, be inside – clinging like a chest infection, or external – seated in your circumstances.  Still hold on to your hope.  The right people will pass by, who possess the correct knowledge.  Their desire, seen by action will drop a rope down to you.   To help you up, out towards luscious places you’ve not been to before, where you’ll expand and excel.    Eventually you’ll rise, stand free in the gold of the sun and enjoy its shine.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Come out of the (d)Anger zone

There comes a time when you have to stop looking back and ruminating on those situations and behaviours that generated feelings of anger in you. Reflection is an excellent thing to do, but eventually your gaze has to move elsewhere. From the mistakes made to the lessons learnt, from anxious internal scrutiny to preparation for new possibilities.  Remaining centred on what’s gone before blinds you with an image, or consumes you in a story that is no longer true.  Mind captured in the past, trying to function in the now, whilst quickly speeding towards your future - is a confusing way to live.
Refusing to look forward hinders your ability to recognise good prospects.  Prolonged meditation on the wrongs of the past affects your vision and direction.   Rather than gnawing on yours or other people’s failings, consider what your experience has taught you.  Think about how you can shape it into a useful tool for you.  Become compassionate towards yourself, others and the circumstances.   Allow that to direct you into choosing to do what’s fitting, what’s best, and what’s right.   Give yourself release to make useful decisions about where your life should lead.   

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Every Step Counts

Each of us has a unique gait, with no two people’s walk being the same.  Some legs are longer than others, enabling them to step further in one stride than someone with shorter legs.  The person with smaller stepping ability may attempt to cover the same distance, in the same time as their long-legged friends.  The results - shortness of breath, and feelings of failure at not keeping up.  Makes me think about life. 
Some people do so much in a relatively short space of time, whilst others seem to marinate for decades before coming into their own.  Each person’s life progress has involved steps that give them a unique experience which is to be valued.   Some steps would have been on firm ground, others on shaky, slippery soil, some steps on rocks, others on grass.  Whatever the terrain, its traversing has given you a plethora of insights helping you to grow into you who you now are.   You have qualities and abilities that give you a unique makeup which is to be celebrated.  You can contribute to life in a way that no one else can.  Your walk is like no one else’s and this identifies you.  Enjoy.