Each of us have made decisions which, with hindsight, could have been approached differently, better. We could have done and/or said something another way to influence the initiation, course, and outcome of a particular circumstance. We make choices never knowing the full the implications of our plans, and sometimes not even knowing our own intent. How can we get that knowledge? By stepping outside, stepping inside, stepping aside, and stepping into.
Stepping outside causes us to be less emotional, more clear-headed and able to assess the situation. Stepping inside someone else's skin helps us gain inkling of their perspective. Stepping aside helps us put our ego in check and see that it’s not all about us. Stepping into connects us with the opportunity to see a challenge overcome rather than a problem solved. ‘Stepping’ frees us from being locked into one train of thought.
When you’re faced with your next challenge be it light or severe in nature, first consider your intent. Assess the various approaches available to you. Attempt to understand the viewpoint of others involved. Judge the outcome most likely to happen from the choice you make. Very importantly, consider if it is one you can live with. Step up.