An orange tree produces oranges. An apple tree produces apples. The trees that they come from are identified by the fruit displayed. Cross-fertilisation of fruit produces a hybrid. The purpose of this process is to get rid of the deficiencies and increase the strengths.
We have the ability to produce fruit, in terms of those behaviours that influence our surroundings. Some can be identified as love, joy, peace, tolerance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. These fruit bring a pleasant taste to the environment we live in. Evidence of other fruit - hatred, sadness, insecurity, spite, evil, discrimination, harshness and selfishness - brings a sense of discomfort, disappointment, despair and bitterness.
Each day, the experiences it unfolds, and the people we interact with, present opportunities to decide which seed will fruit and be on display thus impacting our environment. At that point we have the power to control the cross-pollination process.