What helps a person break through their own barriers? Answer: Encouragement.
We see it in those impacting, historical, record breaking, world shaking, people moving moments we all know about, but also in the areas of our lives which only a few people share. Whether good or bad they would not have happened as and when they did, without someone giving another encouragement.
· Gives a person a nudge if they’re feeling reticent to step forward
· Tells a person that others believe in them
· Tells a person that others potential in them
· Stops a person going backwards or even stopping in their tracks
· Injects courage into a person
· Causes a person to bravely face their challenges, expecting to overcome them
· Causes a person to rise to the place of their fulfilment
· Causes a person to invest more in their personal vision
· Moves a person to a point where they in turn can help others
· Moves a person from obscurity to being well-known in their sector
Your encouragement has impact that you may not directly see yourself, but which generations to come will gain benefit from.