It was a feeling I couldn’t quite identify. Unnoticeable at first, its presence gradually become undeniable. I
asked myself if the unease was because my time was invested in one too many activities. If this was the case I should identify which
one; the decision to let it go from my schedule might be relatively
straightforward. I mentally rummaged
through the items on my agenda. No. I couldn’t blame these. They each had meaning and brought me something
Eventually I looked at the me on the inside, and realised I
had got caught up with a certain way of thinking. Out of harmony with myself, I was going with the flow that belonged to someone
else. I was caught up in their intent
for themselves. Being with those whose focus
was different to mine had influenced me to think like them, thus I had become a
pastiche of other people’s thought processes.
So what could and should I do about it?
I reminded myself why I had started this journey, why I had gleaned empowering
knowledge from various sources. I
decided to go with my own flow, not other’s and be me.